Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hey. It's May.

I woke up this morning and it hit me. It's May. I've been so bubbly with laughter and tears so far today. Why, you might be asking? Well, I'm leaving for Africa this month. How incredible is that? The Lord, I know, has spent the last 18 years preparing my heart for this specific, life-changing event. Even though I'm not sure if I really feel totally prepared. I think we all feel that way in life most of the time. The great thing is? Jesus is all-knowing and all-powerful. And the strength that comes from putting your trust in Him, compares to nothing else.

During some intense brainstorming, I was praying about a certain way I could share my story and bring parts of my journey back home with me. I knew almost immediatlely the answer to that.
Ever since I was younger I've kept a journal. But most of them weren't like the average young girls "diary," I've always written down dreams, goals, plans; I've drawn pictures, and put a lot of prayers in writing. My family always says that I've basically had my life planned out since the age of six. But I sooner realized that life never goes as planned, and that's okay.

Back to my brainstorming idea: a sketch book. But not just any sketch book. A compilation of pictures, words, names, places, handprints, drawings, prayers, and daily events.

 A journal. A journal of Africa. 


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