Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Call.

Over the past few months, I have come to the realization that God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

The recent years, when God began to tug on my heart and fill it with a passion for Africa, I never thought that He would actually lead me to where I am today. I knew that God was faithful, but I always thought that the dreams that were forming inside me...were just dreams.
Why would Jesus call a small town teenage girl to travel outside of her own country, across to the total opposite side of the world, away from her family, completely outside of her comfort zone, to care for people and share the love of Christ, in a place named Kibwezi, Kenya?
Only Jesus knows why.

The months and the weeks leading up to my mission to Kenya, (2 months and 13 days left. Yes, I'm counting.) have been unlike anything I could have ever imagined. From the total amount I needed to raise-paid in full, to being prayed over by missionaries, mission leaders, pastors, and by people who barely know my name, to also have the opportunity to share my story with all of these wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. The support and the open doors that continue to arise have been from loving hands of God, Himself.

Even though we see ourselves as broken and bruised. Unworthy. Unqualified. Not ready.
Jesus sees you, and He speaks truth.
"For you were made for such a time as this."
-Esther 4:14
